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Providing Everything You Need

Mock Assessment Centres

Guess which candidate has had a chance to practice before their big day?

Boost your confidence and learn how to succeed in job related assessments.  

We offer a range of simulation assessment services to help students and job seekers to gain valuable experience before their big day. ​

This gives people the chance to practice their skills, without fear of "mucking up".​

We can run single exercises such as mock interviews through to running a full scale mock assessment centre that lasts from 1/2 a day to a full day.

Every participant receives feedback, not only about how they performed in the exercises, but also some top tips for how they could improve.

Be prepared - Get to understand what employers are looking for and how your performance is measured.

We offer both written and verbal feedback and additional 1:1 and group coaching if required. 

Change Management & Innovation

Whether your innovation is sudden and dramatic, or incremental and a series of small gradual steps,  it is important to be inclusive.


Ensure your employees have their say and are involved in determining the actions and decisions taken to meet your strategic objectives. 


Inclusivity leads to greater buy-in, involvement, ownership and leads to a higher success rate when implementing change. There is less resistance and less time needed to adapt, implement and deliver.  


Assessments & Psychometrics

We offer a range of assessment services. We regularly measure motivation, energy and impact, personality, ability, behaviours, values, strengths and competencies.


We can map assessments to your current organisational and job role frameworks. 

Let us know what you want to measure, and we could pick the relevant profiling tools and design exercises specifically for you.


We can design a single exercise (such as Interview schedules, role-plays, case studies, inboxes, presentations, group exercises) as well as the full assessment (or development) centre, including timetables, assessor guides, scoring matrices etc.  


Our most popular is our "employee involvement exercise". This involves your staff having their say on the position being recruited. Most popular with senior positions.


We can advise on IT solutions if you're running virtual centres or if you just want to transfer your scoring online.


We can design pre-screen application forms and SJT's.


We can design automated feedback statements for high volume campaigns. This improves candidate feedback, increases consistency and gives assessors much more time to evaluate.    


Team Development Workshops

We can analyse your team and increase your understanding of their strengths and potential things to consider. 


We offer a range of team development workshops which can focus on any area of your choice. 


The benefits of Team Building: 

  • Builds trust and increases psychological safety

  • Improved communication and collaboration

  • Fosters creativity and learning from each other

  • More understanding, empathy and acceptance

  • Constructive debates rather than destructive arguments

  • Increased productivity and effectiveness


Advisory Service - Audits

We can conduct an audit, such as an assessment and selection audit to understand your current processes.  


We can report back our findings and advise on what's working well and suggest areas for improvement. We try to include some ideas for solutions, including what other (anonymous) organisations are doing.  


An audit can entail:

  • interviewing people involved in the process.

  • understanding your touch points.

  • analysing participant feedback/questionnaire data.

  • reviewing frameworks, adverts, selection exercises, timetables measurement criteria etc.

  • observing 'live centres' in action.

  • mystery shopping.     



We can deliver a variety of courses.

Our most popular are:


Assessor Skills

Interviewing skills


Unconscious Bias

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging


We also regularly run benchmarking sessions to ensure your assessors are scoring consistently and in alignment with each other and the standard. Look at the section on reliability. Think about the picture with arrows in the outer ring. An assessor may assess candidates consistently but do they have the same benchmark as other assessors? 



We use Solution-Focused Coaching methodology.


This focuses on what the individual wants to achieve and the conversation is framed around outcomes.


We explore how the individual’s preferred ways of working influences their approach to different activities and people, and consequently how they may be impacting others.


These insights help individuals to understand how they can achieve their desired outcome more positively, by adapting their preferred style of working to certain tasks or people.


Over the years, we have helped a range of Senior Executives and Managers to understand how they can be more effective.

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